Synchronizing email opt-in and opt-out to Squeezely

Synchronizing email opt-in and opt-out to Squeezely

Je can send the consent changes from Deployteq to Squeezely with a Deployteq Campaign. You do need to configure this in Deployteq with a standard campaign that sends the information with a HTTP-request object to Squeezely.

Import Campaign Template in Deployteq

For a quick implementation we prepared a Campaign Template you can import in Deploytew. Download the Squeezely campaign here:

In Deployteq, go to Campaigns and choose “Campaign Import”. Import the file you just downloaded:


Configure the campaign in Deployteq

Next, you need to configure the 2 HTTP-request objects to your own Squeezely merchant settings. You will need the API details of your Squeezely account. You can find these in the Squeezely settings. Please note that the API key is only visible once. Make sure you safe the key in a secure way.

In Deployteq, open the object 'POST optout'


  • Fill in the Squeezely account ID at X-AUTH-ACCOUNT

  • Fill in the Squeezely API key at X-AUTH-APIKEY

  • Repeat this for the object 'POST optin'.

  • Save your campaign in Deployteq and click “Start Campaign”

Every five minutes the changed opt-ins will be send to Squeezely from Deployteq.

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