

With the integration with Dotdigital you can synchronize your data between Squeezely and the Email Service Provider (ESP) Dotdigital. With this integration you can send audiences, profiles, triggers and personalized email blocks from Squeezely to Dotdigital.


For implementing the Dotdigital integration:

Implementation DotDigital

When the full integration is finished a one-time synchronization of all email addresses and consents will start between Dotdigital and Squeezely. Simultaneously the standard profile fields and the product catalog will be synchronized from Squeezely to Dotdigital.

The following data will be synchronized when the integration is complete:

  • Email addresses: new email addresses are send real-time from Squeezely to Dotdigital. When new email addresses are created in Dotdigital, they will be send daily to Squeezely (so there is some lag).

  • Consent: changes in consent will be send real-time from Squeezely to Dotdigital. When the consent status changes in Dotdigital, they will be send daily to Squeezely. For the sending the contacts to Dotdigital, you need to create an audience: Synchronizing contacts

  • Profile fields: with every API call (email trigger or audience change) the standard profile fields from Squeezely will be send and saved in Dotdigital. The custom fields can be mapped with the first installation Implementation DotDigital | Mapping fields

Audiences & Profiles

In the Audience Builder you can send Audiences to Dotdigital by adding Dotdigital as a Channel:

For the profiles that are added to the audience Squeezely sends two API calls to Dotdigital:

  • Address books: with this API call the audiences are send as Dotdigital Address books.

In Dotdigital you can find the results of the API call :

  • Go in Dotdigital to Contacts > all contacts

  • Go to address books and if need search for an address book. The names are created as “<Squeezely audiencename> - SQ <Squeezely audience ID>”


  • Click on the audience name to see which contacts are added to the address book


In Dotdigital the API call ‘Contacts’ is processed in ‘Contacts’:

  • Go to Contact > all contacts in Dotdigital

  • Search for the profile you synced, and click on the email adress

  • Look at the tab contact details and data fields to see which data is synchronized


Triggers & Product sets

In the Journey Builder you can send triggers to Dotdigital with the email node:

First you have to create an email personalization in the personalizations menu

In the email trigger you need to configure the next items:

The profiles that reach the email trigger in the journey and meet the set condition, will be send to Dotdigital with an API call:

  • Squeezely Trigger: with this API call a trigger for a Dotdigital campaign is send for the profile. When the “External dynamic content” block is used, Dotdigital will get the personalization during the sending of the email

In Squeezely you can see the status of your trigger by following the next steps:

  • In Squeezely, go to 360° Profiles

  • Search for the profile that has reached the email trigger in the journey

  • Go to Activity and select Automations




  • In this overview you will see the following details:

    • Date/time: the date/time in the timeline shows when the trigger is reached

    • Journey: the ID of the journey which has this specific trigger

    • Buffer endtime: the date and time when the trigger is send to Dotdigital

    • Handled: if the trigger is handled in Squeezely

    • Sent: if the trigger is send to Dotdigital

    • Channel: the channel that has been triggered

In Dotdigital you can check the triggered campaign by following the next steps:

  • In Dotdigital, go to Contacts > all contacts

  • Search for the profile and click on the email address

  • Click on ‘Activity' and you see the Campaigns that are send and when

Click on a specific campaign to see their statistics

In the profile filed EMAILHASH is created upon installation and contains the encrypted version of the email address saved. The email hash can be added to your email campaigns by following the next steps:

  • In Dotdigital, go to email > Email campaigns > Advanced features

  • Here you can add Link tracking.

  • Add field email or email_hash

  • Select value EMAILHASH from the dynamic fields

  • Click Save

The email hash will be added to the URL’s of all yout campaigns, like http://www.mywebsite.com?email_hash={email_hash}


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