Profile field maps Deployteq (EN)

From Squeezely, RAW data fields of profiles are sent to Deployteq with API calls. In order to save the RAW data fields in Deployteq, they need to be mapped to Deployteq fields. Subsequently, you can process these fields in templates.

Viewing RAW Data fields

You can view the synchronised data of the profiles as follows:

  • In Deployteq, go to the Squeezely App

  • Click on 'View logs'.

  • Find a log with the type 'customers' and click on the information icon:

  • Click on 'RAW Data' to view the synchronized data of the profile:

Before saving the RAW Data fields, they need to be mapped in Deployteq.

Mapping RAW Data fields

In the example below, the Email hash from Squeezely is mapped to email_hash in Deployteq.

  • In the Deployteq Store, go to the Squeezely app

  • Select 'Customize data mapping'.

  • Double click on the end point 'customers

  • Click on the '+' icon under 'Connected fields

  • Open the tab 'Layouts' in the menu on the right

  • Double click 'include-customers

  • Go back to the Squeezely App and select 'Customize data mapping

  • Go to 'include-customers

  • Open 'Root' → '0' → 'Custom Fields' → '0'.

  • Find the column 'value' and click on the '+' icon

  • Open in the menu on the right the tab 'customer' or 'customer option' (for the example 'customer option' will be opened because in this folder is email_hash)

  • Select 'email_hash

  • Find the filter (see line 3 in example)

  • Change the first value of '0' to 'Wildcard

  • Change the third value of 'Wildcard' to 'Filter

  • Select 'name' as 'Filter field

  • Enter the name of the field (in this case email_hash)

  • Check the 'select specific match' checkbox

  • Click on 'OK'.

In the Deployteq profiles, the email hash is stored in field E1 (when it comes in via the RAW Data)

To map more RAW Data fields, you can repeat the above steps.

Synchronizing and mapping event fields is not possible. Convert the event fields to profile fields.

Using profile fields

The mapped profile fields can be processed as parameters in templates of Deployteq. In this way, you can, for example, automatically load the e-mail hash for each e-mail address. A profile field can be processed in a template as follows:

{{customer_option field= 'fieldname'}} → where the field name is the name in Deployteq of the field in question

For the email hash from the example above, this field would look like this:

{{customer_option field= 'E1'}}

For recognizing email addresses , you can incorporate the above into the HTML of a template as follows:

<a href="{{customer_option field='E1'}}" alt="click" target="_blank">link</a>

The template fills in the e-mail hash parameter from field E1