Syncing (custom) profile fields between Squeezely and Spotler

Syncing (custom) profile fields between Squeezely and Spotler

From Squeezely the default profile fields are automatically synced to Spotler, with the exception of the email hash. To save the email hash and the custom profile fields, you need to map the Squeezely fields to the fields in Spotler.

To sync the other way around, the fields can also be saved to Squeezely from Spoter, by an hourly import.

When the steps below are followed in both platforms, you’ll have a complete synchronization of the profiles. So when a (custom) profile field is changed in either Squeezely or Spotler, the mapped profile data will be send by the next API call from Squeezely to Spotler of with the next hourly import from Spotler to Squeezely.

Preparation in Spotler for the custom profile fields

If the connection is complete, Squeezely can get all the visible fields in Spotler and shows them in the field mapping interface. You can create or edit the visible fields by following the next steps:

  • In Spotler, go to Settings > Settings

  • Go to ‘Database fields’


  • Click on ‘Change Visibility'

  • Once this is changed and saved, the field will be available to map in the Spotler app in Squeezely

Compatibility of data types

Both systems have different data types and not every type is compatible with another. This is by design, so the literal value can be synced. Otherwise you could have a potential data loss. When mapped correctly, there is nothing to worry about.

Type in Squeezely

Type in Spotler

Type in Squeezely

Type in Spotler


Text, Zip Code, items from the set ‘Permissions’





You should also take the following into account when mapping fields:

  • Our default mapping cannot be changed, including the default permissions, like newsletters.

  • Custom permissions can be used with a custom text field in Squeezely and a new item within the ‘Permissions’ in Spotler.

  • When a certain type in Spotler is not available in your account, you can contact their support team.

  • Changing the data type for an existing field, can result in data loss.

Mapping custom profile fields in Squeezely

The mapping of custom profile fields can be done by following the next steps:

In this view you see the fields that are synchronized between Squeezely and Spotler. On the left side you see the name of the custom field in Squeezely, on the right side you can select the visible fields in Spotler.

  • Select the matching fields in Spotler.

  • Click ‘Save Channel’

  • Save the created Audience for synching profiles to Spotler

The synchronization of all the profiles and the mapped fields between Spotler and Squeezely is now complete.


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