Implementation Deployteq (EN)

Implementation Deployteq (EN)

Implementing Deployteq consists of establishing the Deployteq link, importing email addresses from Deployteq, synchronizing profiles to Deployteq, and possibly mapping profile fields in Deployteq.

The following is how Deployteq can be linked to Squeezely:

  • Login to Deployteq and click on 'Store'.

  • Click on the Squeezely App and then on 'Install'.

After installation, the Squeezely App will show an API token

  • Copy the API token

  • Go to Deployteq in Squeezely

  • Paste the copied token in the field 'API token':

  • Click on 'Save Channel'

Next go back to Deployteq, where you will see the following confirmation:

In the next step you can add email_hash as a parameter to all links, so the vistors are immediately recognized when landing on your website from the mail

Please note: When using the testing possibilities with real customer data in Deployteq, the links in your test mails will have the email hash of the customer. This can conclude in a merge with your cookie, so test in another (private) browser or delete your cookies before and after your tests to prevent unusual activity on the profile.

When all steps are completed the connection has been completed. Via the connection, new e-mail addresses and changes to newsletter consents are synchronized between Squeezely and Deployteq

(warning) This does not apply to email addresses that already exist in Deployteq or Squeezely at the time of linking!

Importing email addresses

To import existing email addresses from Deployteq, the following should be done:

  • In Deployteq, export a CSV file containing all email addresses and their consent

  • Import the CSV file in Squeezely via:  CRM Import

The email addresses are imported as profiles into Squeezely.

Synchronizing profiles

To synchronize profiles from Squeezely to Deployteq, the following is required:

  • Create an Advanced audience with the following rules:

  • Check the Clang channel in the Audience Builder

  • Click on 'Save'.

 The profiles will be synchronised to Deployteq based on the email address The profiles that don't yet exist in Deployteq will be created.

 How can I check synchronised data of profiles in Canopy Deploy?

You can view the synchronized data of the profiles as follows:

  • In Deployteq, go to the Squeezely app

  • Click on 'View logs'.

  • Find a log with type 'customers' and click on the information icon:

  • Click on 'RAW Data' to view the synchronized data of the profile:

Mapping profile fields

For saving profile fields from Squeezely in Deployteq, these fields need to be mapped to Deployteq


(plus) Mapping profile fields in Deployteq

The mapped profile fields can be processed in templates from Deployteq.

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