Installing Lightspeed Plugin (EN)

The Lightspeed Plugin can be implemented as follows:

  • Go to the Lightspeed Plugin in Squeezely

  • Enter the following settings:

    • API key : the API key of Lightspeed store

    • API secret : the API secret of Lightspeed store

    • Server : the server of Lightspeed store

    • Language : the language of Lightspeed store

  • Click on Save Channel

  • Login to your Lightspeed store

  • Go to Settings → Web Extras

  • Find 'Custom head code

  • Click on edit and then on save

The Lightspeed Store is now connected. After a few moments the data will come in to Squeezely.

  • To view the products, go to Products

  • To view the events, go to Data

  • Go to Stores

  • Check the field 'last import' of the concerning feed in the overview below:


  • Go to Data and scroll to 'Events':

  • Check the events in the overview