Multi-domain merchant (EN)

Multi-domain merchant (EN)

When using multiple domains it is best practice to create a separate Squeezely account for each domain

If you do merge data from multiple domains into one Squeezely account, there are several preconditions and external limitations.


The following preconditions are necessary in a multi-domain setup:

  • You can only connect one database at your Email Service Provider

  • You can only connect one advertising account or pixel to your Squeezely account.

External restrictions

The following external restrictions should be taken into account:

  • Cookies per domain

The Squeezely cookie is created per domain. When a website visitor visits the different domains, this visitor will receive a cookie per domain. Per cookie a profile will be created in Squeezely. A person can thus have multiple profiles within one merchant. The different profiles can only be merged by leaving a unique identifier (such as an e-mail address) on the different domains.

Suppose there are two domains within one merchant and a person named Tom visits both domains:

  • Tom visits domain A = cookie 1

  • Tom visits domain B = cookie 2

  • Tom leaves his email address at domain A & B = merge cookies

  • The shopping cart on your website often only works within one domain

When you add products to your cart and then go to the other domain. The products from the previous domain are no longer there.

Still several language domains in one merchant?

To work with multiple language domains in a merchant you need to do the following:

1. Load the same base tracker on all domains

On all language domains the base tracker needs to be loaded with the same id. This id can be found here under front-end tracking.

2. Tracking the language of products in the product catalog

To keep track of the products in the different languages, the product feed needs to contain the information in all languages (of the domains). The fields that can differ on the basis of language are: name, url and description. You can find more information in this article under the heading 'Languages'.

In the products this will be reflected as follows:

3. Language processing in the product arrays of events to keep track of the product language

To keep track of the language in which the product interacts, the language needs to be added to the product array:

4. Embed language in a custom field of events to keep track of the user language

To keep track of the language of a profile, a custom profile field needs to be created (for example custom_language). In this field you keep track of the language in which the profile has seen the website for the last time. This value can then be sent in any event to update the field. More information on creating custom fields can be found here.

Keep in mind that the set up of your account is complicated

The setup of a multi-lingual domain merchant is complicated by:

  • Personalisations need to be created per domain

  • Productsets need to be created per language

  • In journeys visitorsplit should be used to filter on language (custom_language)


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