Standard Productsets (EN)

On the basis of behavior and patterns in behavior squeezely automatically compiles the most popular product sets for profiles.


The following product sets are automatically composed for profiles:


Selection method

Fallback set


Selection method

Fallback set

Items you may like

Most sold for profiles without events

Recommended for you

Most sold profiles without events

Purchased (no fallback)

→ by Purchase


Added to cart (no fallback)

→ using AddToCart


Last viewed (no fallback)



→ using Purchase

Most sold

Added to cart

→ based on AddToCart

Most sold

Last viewed

Most sold

Top 20 most sold products

20 random products with merchants without purchases

20 random products

None, random selection of all available products

Click on the selection method and (possible) fallback sets for more information about the composition of the sets.

RSS feeds of product sets

  • Go to the three balls on the right of the concerning product sets and click on 'RSS feed'

  • Use the personalized link you see in external platforms, like your ESP

In Squeezely go to Productsets and view the sets with the icon 'Automatically created':