Trigger (EN)

Trigger (EN)

In the trigger settings, you can determine when the personalization is triggered.


The following options are available for triggering the personalization:

  • Immediately: the personalization is triggered immediately.

  • Exit intent: the personalization is triggered when a profile on desktop moves the cursor to the cross. This setting does not work on mobile.

  • After X seconds : the personalization is triggered after a certain number of seconds.

  • When scrolled to X %: the personalization is triggered when a profile has scrolled down a certain percentage of the web page.

  • Product event with data: the personalization is triggered when the desired product information matches the product information of the product id from the event.

You want to trigger a personalization when a profile looks at a product which has an inventory equal or bigger than 1:

  • Implement the ViewContent event with a product id

  • Implement the inventory product field in the product feed

  • Choose the option product event with data and select inventory is greater or equals 1:

When viewing a product and triggering a ViewContent with a product id, Squeezely does the following:

  • Check the inventory field of the product id from the event in the catalog

  • Does this inventory field meet the conditions of the personalization:

    • If inventory field = 0, trigger no personalization

    • If inventory field = 1, trigger personalisation

  • When event is fired: the personalization is triggered if the selected event is triggered and the profile has the required profile fields.

You want to trigger a personalization when a female profile views a product:


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