Import Contacts

Import Contacts

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Importing Contacts

Want to import some of your existing customers into Squeezely Platform? Find out how to do this below. 

Using CRM Import

An easy way to import customers and update fields on a 360 profile is by using our CRM import, find it here https://squeezely.tech/data/crm

Regular Import

You can use a CRM import to update fields directly on a 360 profile. In this case just add a column with email address, email hash or user ID as the identifier, followed by columns to update fields in your 360 profile. The field names should be an exact match of your profile field names in Squeezely.

Event Import

You are also able to import data into 360 profiles as events. In this case, add a column 'event' and specify any event name. Squeezely will consider each line in your file as a separate event and match this to your profiles based on the email address provided in the column for 'email', or alternatively based on the email hash or userID column.

ColumnDescriptionSupported values
EventIf you want to import data as an event, provide an event name here. Ignore this field if you are uploading profile fields only.Alphabetical characters (optional)
FirstnameFirst name of your customerAlphabetical characters
LastnameLast name of your customerAlphabetical characters
EmailEmail address of your customeradres@domain.com
User IDThe user ID you use in your system to identify a userAlphabetical and or numerical characters
GenderYour customers genderM, F, U, male, female, unknown
BirthdayYour customers date of birthYYYY/MM/DD, DD/MM/YYYY
PhonePhone number for your customerNumeric including "-" and "+" (example: +316-12345678)
ZipcodeZipcode for your customer<4 digits>(space, optional)<2 letters>(example: 1234 AA)
CityCity of residenceAlphabetical characters
CountryCountry of residence2-letters, ISO-3166
CurrencyCurrency used by this customerEUR, USD, GBP
NewsletterPermisson for sending newsletterson, off, 1, 0
Last PurchaseThe date on which the user has made his/her last purchaseUnix Timestamp
Custom FieldsYou can use custom fields to attach properties to users, that are not natively supported by Squeezely. For example: If you want to categorize your users on their continent of residence, you can create a Custom Field custom_continent.Text, Number or Data format

Uploading your CSV manually

When you have your CSV ready, follow the following steps:

  1. In the top right corner, click on import csv file. 
  2. Select your CSV from your device and Upload your CSV file.
  3. Match the columns form your CSV against your Squeezely fields, like in the example below.
  4. When done, press save. Your customers will now be imported into Squeezely.


The image below shows an upload of a sample file into Squeezely Platform. You will find two colums:

Left Column: The first row of your uploaded CSV.
Right Column: Your Squeezely Fields

Make sure you select the desired Squeezely Column for each of the columns in your CSV. All data will be uploaded into this field for your users.

Uploading your CSV via FTPS

Ask your account manager to enable the FTPS option for your account. When enabled you will find your FTPS credentials in company settings. 

To import via FTPS simply place your CSV file on the FTPS server and it will be imported into your 360 profiles.

Imported CSV's will show up in the Squeezely interface as CRM uploads.



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