Product Catalog

Product Catalog

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Squeezely Catalog

Setting up Squeezely Catalog will enable multiple features in Squeezely Campaign Builder. You will be able to create:

  • Selections of products based on user behavior using Product Sets
  • Dynamic advertising campaigns for Facebook and Display channels.
  • Dynamic content in email templates from your email service provider.
  • Responsive website content, by publishing Products Sets to the website datalayer.

Setting up the catalog

To set up your catalog, login to Squeezely and go to Data > Catalog > Stores. Click on the 'New Store' button and choose one of the options below.

  • Import an XML: Use this if you want to create your own XML feed from your website.
  • Lightspeed Connector: If you have a Lightspeed store, this will get you set up quickly.
  • Magento Connector: If you have a Magento store, this will get you set up quickly.

Importing an XML

Importing an XML gives you the most flexibility around it's contents. Squeezely supports feeds formatted in either XML RSS 2.0 or ATOM 1.0 format. The Squeezely feed also supports Google Merchant Center Product Data feeds. Documentation about setting up your XML feed can be found here.

Once you have your feed setup, complete the steps below to set it up:

Name: Choose a name for your store, for example 'Jimmy's Pet Store'.
Store url: This is where you tell us the base URL of your store. Also select if it is running on http or https protocol. For example this would be https://www.jimmy-pets.com 
Link Type: Select 'Feed url'.
Feed language: Select the language your main product feed will be in. If your store has products in multiple languages, you can set multiple languages for your products within the catalog.

Using The Lightspeed Connector

If you have a Lightspeed Store, using our connector gives you a simple way to get started. Once you fill in the information on the form below, we will be able to generate a feed directly from Lightspeed.

Getting an API Key & Secret

First you will need to make sure you request an API key from lightspeed. Do this by following the steps below:

  • Log into Lightspeed > Settings > API Keys.
  • Click Add New API Key in the right top corner.
  • A screen appears containing a form to request a new API Key. Enter the Lightspeed Account Owner's e-mail address. In the message field, enter "Connect to existing website."
  • Hit Request API Key

Usually your key will be generated after a few days. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to notify you that the key has been generated. After receiving the confirmation e-mail, log into Lightspeed to find it. You can do this by going to Settings > API Keys. You'll see your new key listed. Copy the key and use it in the form below to make the connection to Squeezely.

Setup the connector

Fill out the form below using the following info:

Name: Choose a name for your store, for example 'Jimmy's Pet Store'.
Store url: This is where you tell us the base URL of your store. Also select if it is running on http or https protocol. For example this would be https://www.jimmy-pets.com 
Link Type: Select 'Lightspeed Seoshop'.
API Key & API Secret: Use the API Key & Secret in your Lightspeed account. Find this under Settings > API Keys.
Lightspeed Server:
Lightspeed Language:
Please select the language your Lightspeed store is using, by typing the two letter country code, f.e. 'en' for english or 'nl' for dutch.

Using the Magento Connector

If you have a Magento Store, using our connector gives you a simple way to get started. Once you fill in the information on the form below, we will be able to generate a feed directly from Magento.

Getting your API Details:

Ask your account manager to help you find your API details.

Setup the connector

Fill out the form below using the following info:

Name: Choose a name for your store, for example 'Jimmy's Pet Store'.
Store url: This is where you tell use the base URL of your store. Also select if it is running on http or https protocol. For example this would be https://www.jimmy-pets.com 
Link Type: Select 'Magento'.
API URL: Ask your account manager.
Consumer Key & Consumer Secret: Ask your account manager.
Oauth initiate url: Ask your account manager.
Oauth admin url: 
Ask your account manager.
Oauth token url: Ask your account manager.

Verifying your Product URL's

For Magento Stores, not all URL's are built the same. After completing the steps and saving the store, please verify if your product URL's are being generated correctly. To do this you follow the following steps. 

  • Go to your Catalog in Squeezely, and access your products via Data > Catalog > Products.
  • Click on a product to open it.
  • Look for the field URL and copy the link you find here.
  • Open a new browser tab and visit the link you copied to your clipboard.
  • See if the product you opened in your Squeezely catalog is loaded in your browser.
  • Yes? Congratulations, your feed has been setup correctly.
  • No? Please contact your Squeezely account manager.

It can take a while for importing to be completed. If you are missing products in your catalog please wait 30 minutes and follow the steps listed above again.

Adding Categories

Go to your Catalog in Squeezely, and access your categories via Data > Catalog > Categories. In the top right corner, click the button 'New Category'. This will open a form, where you can enter information for your category.

Name: The name of your category. For example: 'Pet Foods'.
The description of your category. For example 'Stuff that pets eat'.
Category id: The id of this Category. Please make sure you use the same ID as you use in your Squeezely Tracking Events.
 The url of your category page. For example: https://www.jimmy-pets.com/petfood.
Products: Select products from your feed that belong to this category from the dropdown list.



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