In the Lifecycles Overview, you can view a Lifecycle by hovering over the kebab, and selecting “View”
The Lifecycle “View” mode
Once you’re in the “View” mode of a Lifecycle, you can check how profiles move into and in between stages:
From here, you’re able to:
Set the Lifecycle time window
Pause & Edit the Lifecycle
View the Lifecycle Changelog
Highlight Stages
Open Stage Views
And you will have insights into the following data (for the selected time window):
The amount of Total Lifecycle Entries
The amount of Total Lifecycle Dropouts
The amount of Profiles in a Stage
All Stage Entries
All Stage Dropouts
All Stage Progressions
All Stage Drops
Data in the Stage “View” mode
Hovering over a stage will highlight the numbers associated with that stage:
And once you click on a stage, you will get an overview of those numbers:
Next Steps
With this these insights, you can create Journeys, and Personalizations to improve on your KPI’s.
For example:
You have set up a Customer acquisitionLifecycle with a goal of getting a customer to make their first purchase
You see a lot of profiles dropping from a stage where you include profiles who’ve added a product to the cart
You build a journey where you filter on that Stage, and set up actions accordingly
You target a specific Stage in personalization