
Categories is not a required product field. However, the field is strongly recommended as it is used to determine the favourite category in the profile data and is widely used in product sets and personalizations.

titleHow can I check the categories of a product in Squeezely?
  • Go to Products

  • Please enter the SKU or name of the product into the search bar

  • Click on the product and check the categories

(blue star) Is ❓Is the field not filled? (blue star) Add the field to the implementation of the product feed

Merging in Squeezely

Based on the product field categories, products are divided into categories. In Squeezely you can view all existing categories under Categories. In this overview you will see the following:Image Removed


  • ID: the id of the category

  • Name : the name of the category

titleHow can I view a specific category?
  • Click on a category in the overview

  • You will see the following:

    • Name: the name of the category

    • Description : the description of the category (if any)

    • Category id : the category id in Squeezely

    • Google product category id: the Google category id (if any)

    • URL: the (possible) url on the website

    • Products : the products which belong to the category

Image RemovedImage Added

titleHow can I check the category id?
  • Click on a category in the overview

  • Check the following:

    • Category id : the category id in Squeezely


Categories can be implemented automatically with:

(blue star) 🔌 Shopify Plugin

(blue star) /wiki/spaces/SG/pages/1399652355

(blue star) 🔌 Magento 2 Plugin

🔌 Lightspeed Plugin

(blue star) 🔗 Magento 1

The product field can be implemented manually with:(blue star) https://squeezely.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=1358856250

📄 XML Feed (EN)