Calculator (EN)

Calculator (EN)

Calculation fields are profile fields that are counters are compared with. In the calculator field the winning value is written.

Compare counters

In the calculator you set the following:

  • Calculation: the calculation method to determine the winning custom counterfield to determine. This can be maximum (the highest value) or minimum (the lowest value).

  • Custom fields: the custom counter fields that will be compared in the calculation.


Suppose you want to compare whether profiles are more interested in products for men or women, you can do this as follows:

  • Create two counter fields and pass values in events, for example custom_man and custom_woman → see Counter (EN)

  • Create a calculator field called custom_sex with the calculation maximum and the custom fields custom_man and custom_woman

  • This will result in the following:

    • Profiles with a higher value for custom_man than custom_woman will have 'custom_man' written into the custom_sex field

    • Profiles with a higher value for custom_woman than custom_man will have 'custom_woman' in the field custom_sex


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