User Data Requests

User Data Requests

Transparency about the way an organization handles data of its customers is very important for building a relationship of trust. To assist you in this we have developed 'User Data Requests'. This allows your customers to review personal data they have shared with you and is being stored on our platform. Also it allows your customers to edit or delete their data from the platform.

What information is considered Personal Identifiable Information?

When a data request is made, we will by default provide information that is known for the following fields:

  • Email Address

  • Phone

  • First Name

  • Last Name

When a request is received to remove Personal Identifiable Information, we will also delete the following datapoints by default:

  • IP Address

  • Cookie ID

Custom Fields
If you are using custom fields to store user properties in Squeezely Platform, you will be given the option to indicate Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is being stored in a custom field. When this is the case, we will also provide the values known for these custom fields when a request has been received by us. Data containing PII cannot be fetched from URL parameters


Setting up User Data Requests

Log in to Squeezely Platform and access your company settings. Scroll down to the User Data Requests section. This gives you two options:

Request approval email: Here you can provide us with an email address that should be notified in the case a request is submitted by your customer. This email address will be provided to your customer in the event a request is disapproved. 
User Data Request link: Offer this link to your users to submit a User Data Request, for example by including it in your privacy statement.

Please note! When you are using the link in your privacy statement, but you haven’t set a (correct) email address, the requests can still come in, but you won’t get a notification. Data requests which are ignored, will be automatically approved after 90 days.

About User Data Requests

Any customer that wants to review their personal data stored on the Squeezely Platform can request access by submitting a User Data Request. This can be done by using the customized link provided to you in your company settings. By going to this address, your user can request to review their data in two different ways:

  1. Cookie-ID: We can identify the user that submits a data request based on the Squeezely Cookie ID associated with their device. The request form will display what data points are known based on this id, without showing the actual personal data of the user. By submitting a request, we will send an email to the email address known for this user containing the data and a link to edit or delete this information.

  2. Email Address: In case no email address is known associated with the device, or the customer is using another email address in addition to the one known for this device, a request can be made to review data related to an email address as well. In case a user chooses this option two requests will be generated, one in relation to the cookie ID, as well as one based on the email address.

Reviewing Requests

After a customer has submitted a data request, we will notify you about this on the email address provided by you in your company settings. Data requests will also show up in your Squeezely account under Company > Data Requests. This will allow you to review your requests and approve or disapprove requests. In both cases we will notify your customer about your decision.

Approved Requests
When approved we will send all information visible in the request, as well as links to edit or delete this data. If no data is known, we will inform your customer that no information was found.

Disapproved Requests
If disapproved we will inform your customer of this and request them to contact your organization directly to learn more. We will display the email address you have provided to us as contact information.

Changing data

When a User Data Request has been approved, your customer will receive an email containing a link that can be used to change personal data. This link will provide access the screen below, where the customer can change its data.

Removing Data

When a User Data Request has been approved, your customer will receive an email containing a link that can be used to remove its data. When your customer uses this link the screen below will appear.

If a customer selects to remove data from the Squeezely Platform, the following will happen:

  • If the users email address was exported in an audience to external channel, the email address will be removed from these audiences.
    This applies to Facebook, Google Adwords and all Email platforms linked to the Squeezely Platform.

  • We will send a notification of the removal request to the address you have set for User Data Requests in Company Settings. This allows you to take any further steps necessary to fulfill the customers' request.

  • The customer profile will be removed entirely from the Squeezely Platform as requested.

  • Your customer will receive an email message confirming their data will be deleted shortly.

We do not remove the profile from your Email Platforms master list. If you make audience selections directly from your Email Service Provider, the customer could still receive email messages after the removal request was handled. 

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