Select Query selector manually

Select Query selector manually

The automatic Query selector is error sensitive, because it’s very specific. With every small change on the website, it’s possible that the Query selector won’t work anymore and the personalisation is not shown. In that case it’s best to select the Query selector manually. You can do this as follow:

  1. Press ‘F12’ on the keyboard to open Devtools:


  2. Click this icon:


  3. Hoover the mouse over the desired element where you want to show the personalisation:


  4. Copy the name of the element:


  5. And paste this in the Query Selector:


  6. The personalisation should show now.

When an element (with the same name) is present more than one time, the personalisation will replace every element with that name. For most use cases it’s recommended to choose an unique element that is only present once.


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