Implement Mailchimp (EN)

Implement Mailchimp (EN)

Implementing Mailchimp consists of establishing the Mailchimp link, importing email addresses from Mailchimp and synchronizing profiles to Mailchimp.

Establishing a link

Mailchimp can be linked to Squeezely as follows:

  • In Squeezely, go to Mailchimp and click on 'Connect Mailchimp'.

You will be redirected to your Mailchimp account, where you need to log in. In Mailchimp, the following screen will open:

  • Click on 'Allow'

Next you will go back to Squeezely, where you will see the following screen:

  • Specify the sender name for the Mailchimp campaigns (this will be shown in the 'From' field)

  • Specify the reply email for the Mailchimp campaigns

  • Select the Mailchimp Masterlist with which Squeezely should sync email addresses and newsletter permissions

  • Check the double opt-in option if necessary (when users need to receive a confirmation email for a subscription)

  • Select the Mailchimp store for synchronizing products. When this is left empty, Squeezely will automatically create a new store

  • Click on 'Save Channel

The link is complete. Through the link, changes to newsletter consents are synchronized real time from Squeezely to Mailchimp and daily from Mailchimp to Squeezely.

Importing email addresses

To import email addresses into Squeezely, you will need to export a CSV into Mailchimp:

  • In Mailchimp, go to Audience → All contacts

  • Click on 'Export audience

  • Click on 'Export as CSV

  • Open the Subscribed list and save this file separately

  • In Squeezely go to CRM Import

  • Click on 'Import CSV file

  • Select the subscribed list

  • Connect the CSV columns to the desired Squeezely data fields (Email and newsletter on/off)

  • Click on Save

  • Go to CRM Import and check the status

The email addresses have been imported once into Squeezely.

Syncing Profiles

To synchronize profiles from Squeezely to Mailchimp, the following is required:

  • Create an Advanced audience with the following rules:

  • Tick the Mailchimp channel in the Audience Builder

  • Click on 'Save

The profiles will be synchronized to Mailchimp based on the email address. The profiles that do not yet exist in Mailchimp are created.