Pure 360 Implementation

Pure 360 Implementation

Implementing Pure 360 consists of establishing the Pure 360 connection, importing email addresses from Pure 360 into Squeezely, synchronizing profiles from Squeezely to your Pure 360 master list and optionally mapping profile fields to your Pure 360 Master list.

Setting up the connection

In Squeezely go to channel settings and provide your login details for Pure 360. Press save to establish a connection.

You will now be able to select a master list from Pure 360 to sync data to. On this list you will need to provide us with the following list fields:

  • Audiences field - This is where Squeezely audience id’s will be synced.

  • Optional: Product HTML field. This is where we will sync dynamic product contents for your email triggers. If left blank, we will send them under the placeholder 'personalizationHtml' and they can still be used in triggered messages.


Provide this url to your Pure 360 account manager to setup real time updates for opt in and opt out from Pure 360 to Squeezely.

Field Mapping

Optionally you can map profile fields from Squeezely to Pure 360. This can easily be done by selecting the pure 360 fields where you want Squeezely to synchronize the data into.


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