ViewCategory (EN)

ViewCategory (EN)

A profile triggers the ViewCategory event when it views a category page on the website.


In the ViewCategory event, the following fields are minimally sent along:

  • Category_id: the id of the viewed category

Note: the category id in the event needs to match the category id in Squeezely!

If more fields are displayed in the event, extra fields will be sent in the event.

  • Go to Data and scroll to 'Events':

  • Click on ViewCategory

Is the event not listed in the overview? Check the implementation

Why are there no additional fields in the event? Add additional fields to the event implementation

  • Check the category id in the event (see instruction above)

  • Go to Categories

  • Look up the category name in the search bar and click on the category

  • Check if the category id matches


The ViewCategory event can be implemented automatically with:

Shopify Plugin (EN)archived

Lightspeed Plugin (EN)

The event can be implemented manually with:

Custom Tracking (EN) ViewCategory with Custom Tracking (EN)