Deployteq (EN)

Deployteq (EN)

With the Deployteq link you can synchronise data between Squeezely and the Email Service Provider (ESP) Deployteq. Through this connection, audiences, profiles, triggers, and product sets from Squeezely can be sent to Deployteq.


For the implementation of the Deployteq link:

Implementation Deployteq (EN)

By completing the full implementation, e-mail addresses and newsletter consents are synchronised once between Deployteq and Squeezely. After establishing the link, the following data will be synchronised:

  • Email addresses: new email addresses will be synchronized realtime from Squeezely to Deployteq (but not vice versa)

  • Consent: changes to newsletter consents are synchronized in real time from Squeezely to Deployteq (but not viceversa)

  • Profile fields: with every API call, profile fields are sent from Squeezely, but before saving the profile fields in Deployteq:

Audience maps in Deployteq (EN-GB)

Audiences & Profiles

In the Audience Builder, you can send Audiences to Deployteq by selecting Clang as Channel:

For the profiles in the audience, Squeezely sends two API calls to Deployteq:

In Deployteq, you can view the API call as follows:

  • In Deployteq, go to the Squeezely App

  • Click on 'View logs'.

The following screen opens:

You can view the API Call by clicking on the information icon. The following screen will open:

In this overview you will see the profile fields that are sent along with the profile.

  • Segments: with this API call the audience status of the profile is sent to Deployteq.

You can view the API call in Deployteq as follows:

  • In Deployteq, go to the Squeezely App

  • Click on 'View logs'.

The following screen opens:

You can view the API Call by clicking on the information icon. The following screen will open:

In this overview you will see the following in the segments array:

  • Id: the id of the audience in Squeezely

  • Name: the name of the audience

  • Updated_at: the time of the update

  • Active: the audience status of the profile:

    • Y: the profile is part of the audience

    • N: the profile is no longer part of the audience

When a profile is added to an existing audience (which is linked to Deployteq), Squeezely sends the API calls 'Customers' and 'Segments' to Deployteq. When a profile is removed from an audience, Squeezely only sends the API call 'Segments'.

The Squeezely audience ID can be used in Deployteq to select audiences. In the audience overview of Squeezely, you can find the audience ID:

  • In Deployteq, you can then separate profiles by using squeezely_segments as a condition:

  • In the object you can enter the Audience ID of Squeezely as a value

Triggers & Productsets

In the Journey Builder, you can send triggers to Deployteq using the E-mail trigger:

In the E-mail trigger you can set the following:

  • Trigger: the trigger in Deployteq

  • Products: the product set which is sent along with the trigger

A trigger is only visible in the Journey Builder when it's created in Deployteq:

Making a trigger (EN)

For the profiles that reach the Email trigger and meet the conditions, Squeezely sends an API Call to Deployteq:

  • Squeezely Trigger: with this API call, a trigger is sent for the profile and possibly the product set of the profile is sent along.

You can view the status of the trigger in Squeezely as follows:

  • Go to 360° Profiles in Squeezely

  • Find the profile that has reached the email trigger in the journey

  • Go to 'Automations' in the profile

  • In this overview you will see the following:

    • Created at: the time when the trigger was created

    • Contact id: the ID of the profile in question

    • Campagin/Journey ID: the ID of the specific journey

    • Buffer endtime: the time when the trigger was sent to Deployteq

    • Handled: whether the trigger has been handled in Squeezely

    • Sent: whether the trigger has been sent to Deployteq

    • Channel: the channel that has been triggered

In Deployteq, you can view the API call as follows:

  • In Deployteq, go to the Squeezely App

  • Click on 'View logs'.

The following screen opens:

You can view the API Call by clicking on the information icon. The following screen will open:

In this overview you will see on the left side the profile fields and the product set (under 'products') that are sent along with the trigger. On the right side, you can see the triggered campaigns in Deployteq based on the trigger (in the example above, two actions were triggered in Deployteq).

A product set can be processed in an e-mail using the RSS feed.

The RSS-feed can be processed in an e-mail as follows:

  • Go to Productsets in Squeezely

  • Click on the three dots behind the desired product set:

  • Process the top link in the email:

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