Loading the Base Tracker (EN)

For Event Tracking on web pages, the Base Tracker needs to be loaded.


The Base Tracker can be implemented as follows:

  1. Login to the Squeezely account for which you want to implement the Base Tracker

  2. Go to Setup

  3. Perform the first step


The Base Tracker can be verified as follows:

  1. Go to the webpage (on which you want to check if the Base Tracker is loaded)

  2. Click on F12

  3. Open the tab 'Console

  4. Type 'window._sqzl' and press enter

  5. Check the response:

Do you get the following response?


Then the Base Tracker is loaded correctly on the web page.

Do you get the following response?


Then the Base Tracker is not loaded correctly. Go through the implementation of the Base Tracker again.