Expand | |||||||
| |||||||
Code Block | ||
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<!-- Spotlersqueezely Activate purchase event --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(s,q,z,l,y){s._sqzl=s._sqzl||[];l=q.createElement('script'), y=q.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];l.async=1;l.type='text/javascript'; l.defer=true;l.src=z;y.parentNode.insertBefore(l,y)}) (window,document,'https://Spotler Activatesqueezely.tech/tracker/SQ-256XXX/sqzl.js'); let sqCurrency; if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined') { sqCurrency = Shopify.currency.active; } window._sqzl = window._sqzl || []; {% if order.id|json %} window._sqzl.push({ "event" : "Purchase", {% if customer %} "firstname" : {{ customer.first_name|json }}, "lastname" : {{ customer.last_name|json }}, {% for customer in customer.addresses %} "postcode" : {{ customer.zip|json }}, "city" : {{ customer.city|json }}, "country" : {{ customer.country_code|json }}, {% endfor %} {% if customer.phone != null %} "phone" : {{ customer.phone|json }}, {% endif %} "email" : {{ customer.email|json }}, {% if customer.accepts_marketing == true %} "newsletter" : "yes", {% endif %} {% endif %} "orderid" : {{ order.id|json }}, "currency": sqCurrency, "products": [ {% for line_item in line_items %} { "id": {{ line_item.sku|json }}, "name": {{ line_item.title|json }}, "price": {{ line_item.product.price|money_without_currency|replace: ',', '.' }}, "quantity": {{ line_item.quantity }}, }, {% endfor %} ], }); {% elsif customer %} window._sqzl.push({ "event" : "PrePurchase", "firstname" : {{ customer.first_name|json }}, "lastname" : {{ customer.last_name|json }}, {% for customer in customer.addresses %} "postcode" : {{ customer.zip|json }}, "city" : {{ customer.city|json }}, "country" : {{ customer.country_code|json }}, {% endfor %} {% if customer.phone != null %} "phone" : {{ customer.phone|json }}, {% endif %} "email" : {{ customer.email|json }}, {% if customer.accepts_marketing == true %} "newsletter" : "yes" {% endif %} }); {% else %} console.log("No Spotler Activatesqueezely purchase sent due to missing order information"); {% endif %} </script> <!-- End of Spotler Activatesqueezely purchase event --> |
Webhooks toevoegen
Ga naar https://app.Spotler Activatesqueezely.tech/company/channels/shopify
Kopieer de webhook van jouw account, bijvoorbeeld:
Ga naar je Shopify Store
Ga naar “Settings → Notifications”
Scroll naar de bodem van de pagina en klik “Create Webhook”
Creëer de volgende drie webhooks, in JSON Format en Met laatste webhook API version:
Order Creation
Customer Create
Customer Update
Checkout Creation
Note |
Bij enkele webhooks moet je een parameter toevoegen aan de URL, kijk hiervoor naar de instructies in onze Shopify app in Spotler Activatesqueezely. |
squeezely settings saven
Na het toevoegen van de Webhooks in Shopify heb je een webhook signature gegenereerd (geel gemarkeerd), bijvoorbeeld:
Kopieer deze webhook signature
Ga naar https://app.Spotler Activatesqueezely.tech/company/channels/shopify
Vul je Shopify Shop Url in
Plak de webhook signature
Klik op “Save Channel”
Ga naar “Online Store → Themes → Actions → Edit code”
Maak een nieuwe template met naam: page.Spotler Activatesqueezely-product-feed
Voeg onderstaande code toe en sla op:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{%- layout none -%}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>{{shop.name | escape_once }} Spotlersqueezely Activate Feed</title> <link>{{shop.url}}</link> {% assign cnt = 0 %} {% for product in collections.all.products %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign cnt = cnt | plus: 1 %} <!-- Item #{{ cnt }} --> <item> <id>{{variant.sku}}</id> <external_object_id>{{variant.id}}</external_object_id> <condition>new</condition> <description>{{ product.description | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}</description> <link>{{shop.url}}{{variant.url}}</link> <currency>{{shop.currency}}</currency> <price>{{variant.price | divided_by: 100.00 }}</price> <inventory>{{ variant.inventory_quantity }}</inventory> <brand>{{product.vendor | escape_once }}</brand> <parent_id>{{ product.id }}</parent_id> {% if variant.title == 'Default Title' %} <title>{{ product.title | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}</title> {% else %} <title>{{ product.title | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }} {{ variant.title | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}</title> {% endif %} <image_links> {% for image in product.images %} <image_link>https:{{ image | image_url}}</image_link> {% endfor %} </image_links> <category_ids> {% for collection in product.collections %} <category_id>{{ collection.id }}</category_id> {% endfor %} </category_ids> <availability>{% if variant.inventory_quantity > 0 %}in stock{% else %}out of stock{% endif %}</availability> {% if product.options_with_values.size > 0 -%} {% for optionobj in product.options_with_values -%} {% assign optionname = 'option' | append: optionobj.position %} {% if optionobj.name == 'size' or optionobj.name == 'Size' %} {% if variant[optionname] %} <size>{{ variant[optionname] }}</size> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if optionobj.name == 'color' or optionobj.name == 'Color' %} {% if variant[optionname] %} <color>{{ variant[optionname] }}</color> {% endif %} {% endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} </item> {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% assign cnt = 0 %} <categories> {% for collection in collections %} <category> <id>{{ collection.id }}</id> <title>{{ collection.title | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}</title> <description>{{ collection.description | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}</description> <link>{{shop.url}}{{ collection.url }}</link> </category> {% endfor %} </categories> </channel> </rss> |
4. Ga naar “Online store → Pages → Add Page”
5. Vul in bij “Title”: Spotler Activatesqueezely-productfeed. Gebruik de Theme template 'Spotler Activatesqueezely-product-feed”:
Zorg ervoor dat de url wordt gemaakt als: https://yourwebsite.com/pages/Spotler Activatesqueezely-product-feed
6. Klik op “Save”
7. Check of de url wordt gemaakt als: https://yourwebsite.com/pages/Spotler Activatesqueezely-product-feed
8. Ga in Spotler Activate squeezely naar Products → Sources en kijk of de feed automatisch is aangemaakt. Zo nee, voeg een nieuwe feed toe met de URL naar de net aangemaakte pagina.