This has several consequences for the correct measurement of your visitors, for now only Safari visitors but in the future possibly more browsers. For all visitors without a userid (often the majority) you will only have , the cookie will be deleted after 7 days of data in this profile before the cookie expires. And with a new cookie, you also no interaction with your website. If the user visits your website afterwards, he will get a new visitor profile in Squeezely.
By splitting users up per 7 days, you obviously lose a lot of individual data and personal recommendations, but the algorithm as a whole is also less accurate and the items you may like and recommended for you product sets will not function optimally.
The most important rule from ITP for Squeezely is:
For first-party cookies set with JavaScript's
API, maximum expiration is set to7 days, deletion happens after 7 days of browser use without user interaction on the site.
This means that if you set a cookie independently of the browser, i.e. at the server level, this rule does not apply. This way you can set a long term expiration date and ITP will not override it. This means that you have to retrieve the cookie created by us and then write it at the server level with a new expiration date, for example two years. The relevant cookies are: